Oakland Yard Field Trip:
We celebrated both the end of the school year and the end of our region tour with a Hawaiian celebration at the Oakland Yard in Waterford. The kids had a blast playing Hawaiian-themed games, as well as enjoying all that the facility had to offer.
(Double click on the slideshow to view larger versions of the photos and download individual pictures. If you can't see the slideshow, click HERE to view the album.)
Field Day 2015:
Although the weather could have been better, the students enjoyed a (soggy) field day with tons of exciting stations and games!
(Double click on the slideshow to view larger versions of the photos and download individual pictures. If you can't see the slideshow, click HERE to view the album.)
Poetry Workshop:
Students finished their poetry books and will bring them home this week for you to read and enjoy! We loved reading the different types of poems that the students published and seeing the many poetic devices they used in their poems.
Students took the final math test last week for our last unit, Fractions . The test will come home this week in your child's homework folder.
Social Studies:
The students took their Southwest Region test on Monday. The graded test was sent back home in your child's homework folder. Below are photos from our last Southwest tour stop in Guthrie, Oklahoma. In Guthrie, we learned about the Oklahoma Land Rush. The students reenacted the land rush outside. As students pretended to run into the little town of Guthrie, they picked up fate cards. The goal was to find a card with a good fate. If the fate was good, students kept their card and stayed on their piece of land. (Good Fate Example: You found a piece of land with great soil. You were able to grow corn and became rich by selling it to others.) If the fate card was bad, students threw it back on the ground and kept running to find a better fate before the time ran out. (Bad Fate Example: Your horse couldn't keep up his pace and collapsed to the ground. You tried to run by foot, but all of the land was taken before you could find a place to settle. You headed back to Texas.) Check out the photos and video below of our Land Rush!
On Tuesday, we began the West Region with a tour stop in Hawaii where the students learned about 4 of the Hawaiian Islands and planned a trip to Hawaii by choosing from a list of possible excursions on each island. We then headed to the Oakland Yard where we pretended to actually be in Hawaii. We will be zooming through the rest of the tour stops in the West region this week. There will not be final test for the West region.
All-Star of the Week:
Ariella was our final all-star of the week for the school year. She loved sharing special items from her sharing sack and brought in tons of family pictures! The photos included adorable baby pictures of Ariella as well as some photos of awesome family trips to Mexico and Greece with her parents and her siblings. She read Princess Pigsty as her read aloud book and was lucky to have her parents join her in the cafeteria as her lunch buddies. The class loved Ariella's thoughtful parent letter and learned lots of new things about their classmate!
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