Weekly Schedule
All-Star of the Week
3rd Grade Curriculum
Word Study
Lunch & Breakfast
7 Habits
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Weekly Update
Field Trip Fun
We had an awesome time on our field trip to Detroit where we were able to tour the Renaissance Center and Ford Field. You can check out tons of photos from the trip in the slideshow below or click
to see the photos individually.
The students had a great time at the annual jog-a-thon! We loved seeing so many parents there to cheer us on and give us "shout outs" while we were running. Check out the photos in the slideshow below or click
to see the photos individually.
Reading Workshop
At the beginning of the week, students learned how to recommend books to other readers in our classroom. We have a Peer Recommendation area in our classroom where each student has his or her own pocket. Students can place recommendation cards in the pockets with suggestions for books from the classroom library that they think their peers would enjoy reading. We also spent time reviewing test-taking strategies as a way to prepare students for the MEAP test this week.
Students were introduced to fluency folders on Monday. These folders contain lists of the count-bys and multiplication/division facts that students will be responsible for memorizing this year. Each day in class will now include time for fact practice. Students also learned to use the area model for multiplication, and they looked for patterns in the x4 facts. They learned multiple strategies for finding 4s count-bys and solving problems involving 4s.
Social Studies
Students took the geography test on Friday. You will find the corrected test in your child's homework folder today. We will now move on to our next unit, "The Peopling of the United States" to learn more about the diversity in our country.
Star of the Week
Allison was our first All-Star of the Week! We enjoyed seeing the photos she added to the Star of the Week board, hearing her read her favorite picture book to the class, listening to the wonderful letter her parents wrote to the class about her, and making a compliment book for her on Friday. Allison especially enjoyed Lunch Buddy Day when her parents joined her in the cafeteria!
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