Monday, May 4, 2015

Weekly Update

Poetry Workshop
Students continued to be immersed in poetry last week.  They learned poems can be written about ordinary objects.  We read several examples of poems written about ordinary objects.  Students also created a list of ordinary objects in their writer's notebook.  Next we paid close attention to repetition used in poetry.  Students tried writing poems with repeated words and/or phrases.  We also took a closer look at why poets use line breaks.  We noticed poets might use line breaks to keep the shape of a poem to match its topic.  We also learned poets might use line breaks to keep with the rhythm of the poem.  Line breaks are also used to break up rhyming words and repetition.  Students tried writing poems with line breaks on their own.

We have just about wrapped up Unit 6.  Last week we focused on finding the perimeter and area of different figures.  Below is a YouTube video of a song to help remember the difference between perimeter and area.  Perimeter measures the distance around an object.  Area measures the inside of an object.  Students have learned to count the square units inside of a figure to find the area.  They have also learned how to decompose a figure into rectangles to find the area of each rectangle separately before adding them together.  To find the area and perimeter of rectangles, we are using the formulas Area = length x width and Perimeter = 2 x (length x width).  Your child needs to return his/her math review by Tuesday.

We have started our final science unit--Measurement.  Many of the concepts in this unit are a review from our Math Measurement Unit.  Last week we discussed the difference between standard and nonstandard units of measurement.  Students investigated the length of their table using a straw as their nonstandard unit of measurement.  Then they used a standard unit of measurement--the meter stick--to measure their table.

Owl Hike
Thank you so much for joining me on the owl night hike last week!  I know it was a late night...Aubrey did not want to get up for school the next day.  Unfortunately we did not see an owl, but we enjoyed our hike through the woods of the nature center.

All-Star of the Week
Jackson G. was our Amazing All-Star last week!  We liked seeing some of his favorite toys from his sharing sack.  We also enjoyed learning about his family when he shared all of his pictures from various family trips.  We read aloud his favorite book called Big Pumpkin, and Jackson enjoyed a special lunch with his mom on Thursday.  At the end of the week students wrote really sweet compliments to Jack.

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