We have begun our Structures of Life unit. In our first investigation students went on a seed search while taking a closer look at a variety of fruits. Students were introduced to the term property. Students were asked to identify properties of the various seeds, including size, shape, color, texture, smell, and other features. Each group took a closer look at seeds inside of an apple, orange, globe grape, Chinese bittermelon, ugli fruit, and kiwi. Several students were brave enough to taste the bittermelon and ugli fruit.
In the next investigation, groups worked together to set up their mini-sprouters. The mini-sprouters were created from a plastic container and coffee filter. Students have placed bean, pea, popcorn, and sunflower seeds in their mini-sprouters and have been watering them. Several seeds have begun to grow and develop! We also set up a class sprouter, which has many growing seeds as well. A few special guests visited the classroom to water all of the beans on Friday (check out their pictures below) :-)
The final investigation was meant to be a two-day investigation. Groups worked together on day one to measure the weight of five dry lima bean seeds. Then they soaked the beans in water. On day two, students were supposed to weigh their soaked bean seeds and carefully open the beans to examine the structures found inside. Students will be introduced to the seed coat, cotyledons, and embryo. Because of the cold days, we still have not completed day two of this investigation. The scientists in the room will find out if this investigation works out or not next week.
All-Star of the Week
The luckiest All-Star of the year ended up with 4 snow/cold days!! Raghav's original All-Star week was cut short due to the snow days Monday, February 2nd and 3rd. Therefore, we decided to give him a second short week--Wednesday, February 18-20. However, his second short week became super short with only one day! We still need to write compliment notes to this lucky boy!
Raghav was able to share his wonderful pictures of him and his family and his sharing sack. He also read aloud a short story from a book from home. The class enjoyed hearing how curious Raghav was as a small child from his parent letter. Raghav enjoyed a special lunch with his mom and dad as well! Raghav has been a great help with the iPads this year...he is quite technology savvy! We're happy to have him as part of our All-Star team!